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After I embraced the potato calling and became “that potato girl from TikTok”, everyone started requesting Latkes. Literally everyone. It was honestly one of the most requested recipes ever (after a veggie version of the 15 Hour Potato). Obviously, I couldn’t not make these and risk forfeiting my Potato Queen title so here they are!

What is a Latke?

For anyone who is unsure, a Latke is almost like a potato pancake or fritter in Jewish cuisine. They are traditionally served with applesauce and sour cream, but it is completely acceptable to eat as is, however the toppings are delicious so I’d recommend them. I’ve also enjoyed these crispy babies with fresh apple slices and chives, which was really tasty. The topping possibilities are endless, covering everything from pomegranate seeds to smoked salmon and cream cheese with cracked black pepper. OMG all so good.

For those familiar with Latkes, you may have a preference on how thick or thin you make these. I prefer mine on the thinner side so they go extra gold and crunchy but you do you! Some like them with a softer doughy centre, which is great too.

If you enjoyed these, you should be all over my cheesy filled potato pancakes with crispy spud sprinkles. These are my go-to on Pancake Day and actually beat the sweet ones. There’s something so satisfying about adding a potato.

I may have an expansive list of potato related recipes on my website, but I’ve missed any amazing ones, please let me know as I’m alwaaaaays happy to create more. I’ve even created an ‘A-Z of Potatoes’ series on Instagram so I have an excuse to make 26 different potato dishes. I loved it so much. X wasn’t so fun though.



metric imperial
  • 2-3 large red skin potatoes
  • 2-3 large red skin potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 onion
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 large egg
  • Sprinkle of bread crumbs or flour
  • Sprinkle of bread crumbs or flour
  • Plenty of salt and pepper
  • Plenty of salt and pepper
  • Vegetable oil (to fry with)
  • Vegetable oil (to fry with)
  • Apple sauce (to serve with)
  • Apple sauce (to serve with)
  • Sour cream (to serve with)
  • Sour cream (to serve with)


  1. Wash your potatoes and get them grated.
  2. Squeeze the potato through a clean tea towel or j-cloth (keep the liquid).
  3. Grate and squeeze the onions too.
  4. Leave the potato water to sit for a while and pour away the water part but keep the potato starch which is left at the bottom of the bowl.
  5. Put your potatoes and onions into the bowl with the starch and mix.
  6. Crack an egg in, add salt and pepper and sprinkle in some breadcrumbs and mix well.
  7. Leave to rest for 10 mins.
  8. Get a pan with a good centimetre of oil on to a medium heat.
  9. Make some thin patties of potato mixture and fry off until golden and crispy. You want to see nice brown crispy bits around the edges.
  10. Serve with apple sauce and sour cream.