Honey Mustard Glazed Mashed Potato

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We’ve taken your classic, creamy mashed potato and upgraded it to the next level. 🍯 Honey Mustard Glazed Mashed Potato 🍯 Just wait til you see that glaze glistening on top – it’s a thing of beauty.

And yeahhhh it’s a bit rogue and random but why can’t glazed mashed potato be a thing? My fave part of this recipe is the drizzle of honey mustard dressing over the baked cheese topping because nothing beats that glorious sticky sweet honey coating over that smooth creamy mash. OMG I need to go and cool down because it is getting HOT in here.

Serve with some decent bangers or roasted pork chops and seasonal greens for a tasty and warming dinner! The ultimate comfort food that gives you a creative way to change up your everyday mash.

Sidenote – I recently saw on social media that someone had a mashed potato bar at their wedding and it now lives in my head rent free. I’m determined to host my own mash bar and have every topping and combo known to man. Starting to dribble a bit now because how good would that be?! Or maybe I could host a potato party with every kinda potato – I can’t decide which would be best? Mash bar or all the potatoes? Please help.

Tag me in any mash-related photos or photos from your very own potato party because that would legit be the event of the season. Petition for National Potato Day on 19th August to become a Bank Holiday.

For all the mash tips, check out my ‘How to make the ultimate mashed potato’ tutorial coming to my YouTube channel soon! This video series will also cover roasties, chips, hasselbacks and more of your fave spuds.


metric imperial
  • 2-3 russet potatoes
  • 2-3 maris piper potatoes
  • 1 tbsp whole grain mustard
  • 1 tbsp whole grain mustard
  • 3oz (+2oz for topping) cheddar cheese, finely grated. Feel free to add more!
  • 80g (+ 50g for topping) cheddar cheese, finely grated. Feel free to add more!
  • 2oz+ double cream
  • 50ml+ double cream
  • 1oz cubed butter
  • 20g cubed butter
  • 1 tbsp of runny honey
  • 1 tbsp of runny honey
  • 1 tsp whole grain mustard
  • 1 tsp whole grain mustard


  1. Peel all your spuds, then place them in a pan of salted water and bring to the boil. Once tender, drain and leave to steam dry for 3-5 minutes then start to mash your potatoes! I like to use a potato ricer or push them through a sieve for the smoothest mash.
  2. Next, warm the cream and butter in a pan, season with salt and pepper.
  3. Pour the creamy mixture into the potatoes and add the finely grated cheese and mustard then stir through.
  4. Place your spuds in an oven proof dish, sprinkle over the cheese and grill for 5-10 minutes until golden.
  5. Make the dressing by simply mixing the honey and mustard. Nice and simple! You can play around with quantities here if needed.
  6. Pour this over the potatoes and serve! Watch it glisten!