Chorrillina Fries

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I first made this dish on my mission to discover all the best potato recipes from around the world, and this Chilean dish is INCREDIBLE. I’ve also now added Chile to my travel wish-list. Sooooo any brands that fancy sending me there…I’m in.

What are chorrillina fries?

This dish consists of beautifully crisp and golden french fries topped with beef steak, caramelised onions and fried eggs. I had it for breakfast but it’s an amazing lunch, dinner, snack, appetizer, whatever really. You can opt for pork and scrambled eggs instead but I loved the fact I could slap some chunky beef on my plate and call it breakfast. Sorry cornflakes, you’re just not doing it for me today.

More international potato dishes pleaaaase 

I’ve attempted a fair few international potato dishes now but please send me more! I’ve made aligot from France, saag aloo from India, Poutine from Canada and so much more but I reckon I’ve barely even scratched the surface. Give me some inspo and more of a reason to travel.


metric imperial
  • 2.2lb potatoes
  • 1kg potatoes
  • 3-4 onions
  • 3-4 onions
  • 1 steak (whichever one you fancy)
  • 1 steak (whichever one you fancy)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
  • 4 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 4 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 2 cloves of minced garlic
  • 2 cloves of minced garlic
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp red wine
  • 2 tbsp red wine
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 ltr frying oil
  • 2 ltr frying oil
  • Salt and pepper to season
  • Salt and pepper to season


  1. To start, mix soy sauce, worcs sauce, honey, white wine vinegar and garlic and pour over your steak and leave to marinade for as long as possible, preferably 48 hours if you can.
  2. Cut the potatoes into fries shapes and place in cold water.
  3. Slice onions and fry off in a warm pan so that they don’t get any colour but start to cook. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Once cooked slightly and some colour has started, deglaze the pan with the red wine and sugar.
  5. Next, you need to drain off the fries and pat dry.
  6. Heat up the oil in a large saucepan to 180C and fry off some of the fries (do this in batches so they cook evenly).
  7. Once all have been fried, season them. You may have to fry them again to get them extra crispy! I like mine EXTRA CRISPY.
  8. In a very very hot pan sear off your steak to how you like it cooked.
  9. Once the steak is cooked, slice it very thinly and just lay it over your caramelised onions to keep warm whilst you finish off your fries and eggs.
  10. Fry off your eggs keeping the yolk soft and liquid.
  11. Season your fries up and place in a bowl, top with the onions and steak and finally top with your eggs and dig in quickly before anyone else can have them! Enjoy babs x